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EET 睿騏英語 Teri 老師 2018年教學回顧

Annual Teaching Reflection 2018 by EET Instructor Teri

Bilingual (雙語對照)

Heart Shape EET Teri 老師 2018 教學回顧

The past, the present, the future  過去現在未來

Three things: The Past, The Present, The Future

It has been a long-time debate as to which is the most important among these three and why. First and the most popular school of thought that has been around are the people who believe that the present is the most important because according to them, we cannot go back to the past and we do not know what will happen in the future; therefore, the present is the most important because in the present we can control or at least try to control the circumstances around us. Next, believers that the future is the most important among the three say that the future is the most important because the future holds a lot of possibilities; even if we have had bad experiences from the past and are going through a tough time now in the present, we can always look forward and dream/ think of a better future; for this reason, the future is the most important among the three because it keeps our hopes alive and it will keep us pushing on against all odds no matter the conditions we are in. Lastly, there is a small minority that believes that the past is more important rather than the present and the future because the past makes us who we are today and what we will be in the future; without the past and what has happened to us in the past, we will not be as wise as we are today; therefore, for this group, the past is the most important because it teaches us lessons from our experiences that we can bring and apply into our present and future situations to make them better and to not repeat the same mistakes that we did prior.



到底哪一個最重要? 為什麼?




According to the Cambridge Learner’s dictionary, the past means having existed before now; the present means happening or existing now; the future means the time that is to come.

根據英國劍橋學習者字典,「過去」一詞指“存在於現在之前”; 「現在」指“現正發生或存在著”; 「未來」指“即將到來的時間”。

For the purposes of this annual teaching reflection, I would like to define the past as the time before a student starts having lessons Enrich English Tuition (EET) up until right before the present; the present as now or the time in which they are officially enrolled as EET students; the future as the time that is yet to come –the time that hasn’t happened yet.

在我這次年度教學回顧中,我想把「過去」定義為學員來 EET上課之前的時間;「現在」定義為他們成為 EET的學員後和成為 EET學員的期間;「未來」定義為未來的時間/尚未發生的時間。

In the couple of years that I have been with EET (I’m not exactly sure how long it has been, who’s counting anyway? *wink*), I have witnessed how the past, the present, and the future have more or less the same importance when it comes to learning English and retaining what was learned through constant practice.


Generally, I get students who have already learned or tried to learn English prior to having lessons with me so these students already have a good grasp of basic and simple English contexts. This is the past that I’m talking about: These students already have some sort of a foundation and already know what they are getting themselves into. They may or may have not enjoyed learning English prior to EET, but the fact remains that learning English is not a totally new concept for them.

Now the present: The students and I have a set time for our lessons wherein we practice our English and basically just things that have happened in our respective lives during the time we weren’t together. We would discuss anything and everything under the sun that we can think about at the moment. I believe, as an English as a Second Language (ESL) teacher, that that is the best way to really acquire English skills efficiently –to talk about things and topics that are relevant to the students’ lives. Otherwise, it would seem like such a huge pain to try and force ourselves to learn about vocabularies that we don’t usually use and that are so out of line from what we do in our daily lives. Also, consistency is key; I’ve observed that the more consistent we are in doing something, the better we do.


一般來說,我收的學員的背景,都是有學過一些英語了,對於這門外語已有基本的概念。 這就是我要談的「過去」:這些學生多多少少已經有了一些簡單英語的基礎,並且清楚他們要的是什麼。 他們來EET之前的英語學習經驗可能是快樂的,也可能是不快樂的,但至少英語學習對他們而言並不是從頭開始,毫無頭緒的。



As for the future: I have had students who already stopped having lessons with me but I am confident and I know that what they have learned and picked up from the time they had with EET will equip them as better learners and individuals. I am not just talking about what they have learned in English lessons but also other life skills and learning techniques that they can apply and use in the future whatever other situations they might encounter.

This is one of the things I love about working with EET, the focus is on learning the English language, yes. But along with it come a number of other practical life skills that help people in their daily lives. The teaching and learning set up is very out-of-the-box but also very practical too.


我有學員已經停止上課,但我很有信心,他們在EET課程期間學到的會繼續受用下去,使他們成為更好的學習者和個體。 這裏我指的不只是他們在英語課學到了什麼,而是還包括了將來無論遇到什麼情況,他們可以掌握並加以運用的其他生活技能和學習技巧。



I have always loved teaching for as long as I can remember. I like the idea of sharing thoughts, ideas, beliefs, points of view, and whatever else to other people and having a discussion about anything under the sun. For me, teaching is a two-way thing –it is a communication where two parties learn from each other. I do not subscribe to the old-school and traditional school of thought that only teachers teach and the student/s only listen and absorb like a sponge. I believe that everyone, including students (especially students!) should be encouraged to think critically and be open and not afraid to share what is on their minds.

I feel and I know that I am very fortunate to have found a good working match with Enrich English Tuition (EET) because it provides me with a strong foundation with its core values and framework of teaching approaches (which was the theme of my 2017 teaching reflection) wherein I have enough guidelines to stay within the boundaries of the company but still have enough freedom at the same time to exercise and use my own approaches in teaching professionally.

As for myself, in all my time of employment with EET, I have always felt in sync with the company. I try to give equal value to the past, the present, and the future as much as possible. I think one is just as important as the other two.  The past has taught me lessons and experiences that I can bring over and apply to improve my present teaching method and what I am experiencing my present lessons I can also bring forward into the future to improve my future lessons. It really does seem to me like a roller coaster ride that only goes up and only gets better with time.


I have always lived by the saying “quality over quantity”; meaning even if I only have a few of something, I make sure that these few are of really good quality, instead of having more in number but of less quality. It is the same with how I approach my teaching, I put quality first. I want to make sure my students are getting the best of what I have to offer instead of quantity where I can probably have more students but they will not get 100% from me. I treat students as people and not as a commodity. This is another thing about EET that I really appreciate: EET treats people as people. Yes, it is a business but we always strive for a win-win situation between everyone.

For now, this is as much as I have to say about EET and my experience in working for this company so far. It has its ups and downs (from time to time) like any other things in life but I can honestly, from the bottom of my heart, say that I love it. I am very much thankful for my past few years with EET, I am also thankful for the present –the status quo. And of course, as always, I am really really looking forward to the future and I am excited to see what it has in store for me, for the other teachers, for the students, for the future possible students, the returning ones, even the ones who will stop to have lessons with EET; I am excited to see what the future has in store for all of us!


Happy New Year to all of us and I hope we all have a great 2019 ahead no matter what our individual plans are! I hope we all prosper in our own ways as we hope to. With that said, may we not forget to give value to our past which has for sure shaped us to the person we are now. Also, while living and enjoying in the present, let us try to keep the connection between the past, the present, and the future alive because these three things are no doubt intrinsically connected. And one cannot survive independent of the other two. Cheers to life!

一直以來,我就熱愛教學。我喜歡將思想,想法,信仰,觀點以及其他任何事情和他人分享,或者討論。 對我來說,教學是雙向的 - 這是兩方相互學習的交流。我很不贊同老派、傳統的教學方式,就是老師講課,學生只能像海綿一樣聽課,照單全收。 我相信每個人,包括學生(特別是學生!)都應該受到鼓勵,作出批判性地思考,保持開放,不害怕分享自己的想法。




至於我自己,關於「過去」、「現在」和「未來」,在我從事教學指導服務的所有時間裡,我總是覺得自己跟 EET 很協調。 我盡可能地賦予這三個時空同等價值,我認為任一個都和其他兩個一樣重要。因為 「過去」的經驗和內容讓我可用來激盪我目前的教學法;「現在」我於課堂中的實踐又為未來的教學品質奠下更多基石。在我看來,這就像雲霄飛車行進般順暢,只會隨著時間的推移而變得越來越好。



我的人生理念一直遵循著“質勝於量”的說法, 這意味著,即使我只有少少的幾個,我也要確保這幾個的品質,而不是以量取勝。我的教學實踐亦是如此,把品質放在最上位的我想確保最好的教學品質,而不是只顧學員收愈多愈好,更多的人數意味著不是每個人都可以得到百分之百的服務品質。我將學員視為「人」,而不是把學員當作營利的「商品」。這也是我非常欣賞EET的另一個點,EET以人為本。是的,提供教學諮詢是一項業務,但我們始終致力在每個人之間實現雙贏。


言此,關於EET以及我和 EET 的工作經驗,以上是我想說的。我在 EET 的工作感受也遇過起伏,就像任何其他生活中的事情不會一成不變,但我可以誠實地打從心底說,我喜歡我的工作。我非常感謝與EET「過去」到現在的合作,我也感謝「現在」;目前的狀態。還有,當然我還是和往常一樣,真的真的很期待「未來」,我很振奮看看未來會帶給我什麼,會帶給其他老師什麼,會帶給學員什麼,會帶給未來可能成為 EET 的學員什麼,會帶給再回來EET 上課的學員什麼,甚至是會帶給已經停課的學員什麼;我就是很振奮看看未來會帶給我們所有人的一切!


祝我們新年快樂,我希望不論我們每個人的計劃是什麼,2019我們都擁有極好的一年! 我希望我們都能活出自己生命的精彩。還有,希望我們不會忘記為「我們的過去」賦予價值,因為過去塑造了現在的我們。 而且,現在生活和活在當下的同時,讓我們試著保持過去,現在和未來三者之間的連結,因為他們是互相依附的。過去,現在和未來,人是無法只看其中一個的。為我們的人生歡呼吧!


2018 Teaching Reflection  -- End --
2018 英語教學回顧      全文完    

作        者: EET 睿騏英語 Teri 老師
中 文 翻 譯 EET 小編 
刊 登 日 期: 2019/1/29


Education is the process in which we discover that learning adds quality to our lives.


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