更新日期: 2024/1
Enrich English 英語學習相關好物推薦
「每天,我想隨著自己心情,輕快帶點原文書出門,EET 書袋讓我更享受那股隨手攜帶實體書的俐落感....... 終於有一天,我在街頭,是撞包還是巧合? 我在茫茫人海中遇見了稀有的 EET 經典書袋同好,竟和我一樣裝有英英字典.............. 我想,我們就該一起用英文聊聊吧!」
EET 經典書袋 徵求街頭遇見 EET 書袋 撞包的真實故事
柯林氏進階學習英語詞典 第九版 全英字典
Collins Cobuild Advanced Learner's Dictionary (9 Ed.)
The 9th edition of the Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner’s Dictionary has been revised and updated to include detailed coverage of today’s English in a clear, attractive format.
Ideal for upper intermediate and advanced learners of English, this dictionary covers all the words, phrases and idioms that students need to master in order to speak and write
effective English. Thousands of updated examples taken from the 4.5- billion word Collins Corpus, show learners how the words are used in authentic contexts. The dictionary offers extensive help with grammar through the inclusion of grammar patterns at examples, plus a new supplement to help with academic and business grammar.
Additional information is provided throughout to help learners improve their knowledge of collocation, etymology and synonymy. Informative and relevant vocabulary panels show
how words are used in a range of everyday contexts.
In addition, this dictionary offers learners guidance on how to communicate effectively in English. The Language in Use supplement provides a wealth of invaluable information on how to write and speak English for different purposes using the appropriate language, style, and tone. Resources and activities to help learners make the most of the dictionary are available for free online.
The Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner’s Dictionary provides invaluable and detailed guidance on the English language, and is the complete reference tool for learners of English.
全新書 ( 1900 頁 平裝), ISBN: 9780008253219
零 售 價 : $1,970 (未計郵資)
EET 優惠價: $1,180 (未計郵資 $80)
EET 學員: 書香禮點數 12 點 免費兌換,請於學員專區留言板輸入代碼:G1010
EET 人氣黃老師推薦
Cambridge English Pronouncing Dictionary with CD-ROM
平裝書隨附有聲 Audio CD/軟體CD-ROM光碟
還在聽不清同一個字的英式發音或美式發音? 這是一本專門讓你查詢同一個字有哪些不同音標的字典,全書使用 IPA 國際音標,讓你在發音、音標、聽力上,不再傻傻分不清楚了~
The Cambridge English Pronouncing Dictionary is the ultimate guide to pronunciation in English. Thousands of pronunciations not shown in general dictionaries are included, from people and places, to words from science, technology and literature. Based on the classic work by Daniel Jones, the 17th edition is edited by three of the most distinguished phonetics scholars working today. Now better than ever, the 17th edition includes: * NEW! Up-to-date entries including general vocabulary and people and places in the news (e.g. cybercrime, Condoleezza, Darfur, SARS, weblog) * NEW! Lively study pages help with common areas of difficulty * Clear, accessible layout with 80,000 entries and 220,000 British and North American pronunciations using the International Phonetic Alphabet * 200 information panels that explain phonetics terminology and the relationship between spelling and sound The CD-ROM features the whole paper dictionary plus: * NEW! Spoken North American pronunciations as well as British pronunciations for every word ???no need to understand phonetics to get the information you need! * Record your own voice and listen back * Search by alphabet or phonetic symbols * Interactive pronunciation exercises
備註: 本字典 ISBN:9780521680875 全新書 第 17 版 (622 頁, 2006年出版)
零 售 價 : $1400~$1715 (未計郵資)
EET 最低價: $650 (未計郵資 $80)
EET 學員: 書香禮點數 8 點, 免費兌換,請於學員專區留言板輸入代碼:G1002
適合英語中級以上學習者的英英字典:英國劍橋 全英文字典
Cambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary with CD-ROM
平裝書隨附有聲Audio CD/軟體CD-ROM光碟
睿騏英語級別: A3~A6 B1~B5, 級別對照請點此
第三版的 Cambridge Advanced Learner’s Dictionary 和 CD-ROM在使用上更簡單便利囉!清楚明瞭的定義與乾淨易閱讀的內文版面,幫助你輕鬆快速地找到字義。此外,增加許多的全彩精美照片與插圖,讓你更容易理解相似單字的微妙差異。字典中所有最常使用的字以藍綠色標示,還新增上百個新單字,例如:drill down、food miles、life coach。
Word partner(單字搭檔)學習方塊教你如何以最自然、最流暢的方式使用這些單字。Common mistakes「常犯錯誤」學習方塊:新版依據劍橋學習者語料庫編製而成,語料庫蒐集學生在ESOL考試中常犯過錯誤,提醒使用者不再犯典型的錯誤!
同義字查詢:按一下SMART thesaurus方塊,顯示同義字,幫助擴充字彙。
更多搭配詞與例句說明:內含額外的搭配詞(Collocations)資料和上千個例句(Extra Examples)。
筆記本功能:MY NOTES可隨意加入自己需要加強的單字做備忘,或是加入自己的補充註解與例句。
備註: 本字典 ISBN:9780521712668 為全新書 (第三版 1814 頁, 2008 出版)
零 售 價 : $1380 (未計郵資)
EET 最低價: $650 (未計郵資 $80)
EET 學員: 書香禮點數 8 點, 免費兌換,請於學員專區留言板輸入代碼:G1003
EET 人氣黃老師推薦
EET 人氣黃老師推薦 查看老師閱讀心得
適合英語初~中級學習者的英英字典:麥克米倫 全英文字典
Macmillan Essential Dictionary- for Learners of American English (PB+CDROM)
好攜帶、不過重的全英文字典 (尺寸: 13.5cm x 19.8 cm)
睿騏英語級別: A3~A4, B1~B2, 級別對照請點此
備註: 本字典 ISBN:0333992121 , 狀況佳,為展示書,介意者請勿購買
零 售 價 : $590 (未計郵資)
EET 最低價: $370 (未計郵資 $80)
EET 學員: 書香禮點數 4 點, 免費兌換,請於學員專區留言板輸入代碼:G1004
EET 經典書袋 優雅 Gentle - 2017年珍藏紀念款 (海軍藍)
EET Classic Book Bag - Limited Navy Blue Gentle 2017
(尺寸: 高 27.5 cm x 寬 36.5 cm, 提袋長 30 cm, 附塑膠底板)
售 價: $ 780 (不含運費 $80 )
EET 學員: 書香禮點數 8 點, 免費兌換,請於學員專區留言板輸入代碼:G2001
EET 經典書袋-提袋- 橫式-背面
EET 經典書袋-提袋- 橫式- 側面
EET 經典書袋-提袋- 深藍- 橫式和直式
EET Classic Book Bag - Limited Navy Blue Simple 2017
(尺寸: 高 39.5 cm x 寬 33.5 cm, 提袋長 30 cm)
售 價: $ 580 (不含運費 $80 )
EET 學員: 書香禮點數 6 點, 免費兌換,請於學員專區留言板輸入代碼:G2002
EET 經典書袋 簡約 Simple - 2017年珍藏紀念款 (海軍藍)
EET 經典書袋-提袋- 直式-正面
EET 經典書袋-提袋- 直式-背面
EET 經典書袋-提袋- 深藍- 橫式和直式
EET Classic Book Bag - Limited Fashion Orange 2017
咖啡和橘雙色搭配的經典書袋,內有多個功能性隔層,手提/肩背二用 (尺寸: 高 28.5 cm x 寬 36.5 cm, 提袋長 24.5 cm)
售 價: $1,580 (不含運費 $80 )
EET 學員: 書香禮點數 30 點, 免費兌換,請於學員專區留言板輸入代碼:G2003
EET 經典書袋 Fashion Orange - 2017年珍藏紀念款 (時尚橘)
EET Classic Book Bag 2017
EET Classic Book Bag 2017 內部隔層圖示
EET Classic Book Bag 2017 近拍
EET Classic Book Bag 2017 內部隔層圖示
EET Classic Book Bag 2017 正面和背面
EET 經典書袋 Army Green - 2017年珍藏紀念款 (軍綠)
EET Classic Book Bag - Limited Army Green 2017
(尺寸: 高 28.5 cm x 寬 36.5 cm, 提袋長 24.5 cm)
售 價: $1,580 (不含運費 $80 )
EET 學員: 書香禮點數 30 點, 免費兌換,請於學員專區留言板輸入代碼:G2004
EET Classic Book Bag 2017
EET Classic Book Bag 2017 內部隔層圖示
EET Classic Book Bag 2017 近拍
EET Classic Book Bag 2017 內部隔層圖示
EET Classic Book Bag 2017 正面和 背面