應徵睿騏英語 語言顧問講師
Applying for Teaching Work in Taiwan
應徵英語講師請先點此瀏覽 職缺說明後,
"完整" 填具本表格 (填寫時間至少需20分鐘) 並附上個人相片
Please Click here to view the description for the position first before you fill out this application form that will take at least 20 minutes to complete, and remember to attach a photo of you.
Before applying for the position, you might need to know our policy:
Candidates who do not fill out this application form with the required and relevant information are not going to be taken into consideration for the position. We will not contact you for the missing information.
The contract work is based on one year. You must first assure your stability for this position.
你的填寫資料我們將予以保密, 未經你的書面允許,我們不會公開,請放心填寫
Your personal data is protected. Without your permission, we will not reveal any of it to the public.
若資料無法送出,請 下載本表格 Word檔(點此) ,填具後寄至 ibosetw@hotmail.com
In case you can't successfully submit this application, please click here to download the Word File of this application by just copying the contents and send it at ibosetw@hotmail.com, thank you!
EET 睿騏英語 專業教學諮詢,最用心的成人英文家教