睿騏英文家教 小班英文家教 TOEIC 多益英語測驗
聽讀 (L&R)訓練課程、說寫 (S&W)課程
睿騏英語 多益TOEIC 課程用書

Complete Guide to the TOEIC Test 3/e
Author:Bruce Rogers Publisher:Cengage Learning
The Complete Guide to the TOEIC Test provides learners with a clearly organized, step-by-step program for maximizing their test scores. It is the most complete and up-to-date guide to the TOEICR Test on the market.
Seven lessons cover the seven parts of the new TOEIC Test.
Each lesson includes:
‧ Format — an explanation of the structure of that part of the test
‧ Tactics — hints to help learners maximize their scores
‧ Preview Test — a hands-on introduction to that part of the test
‧ Testing Points — an analysis of important language points tested
‧ Skill-Building Exercises — activities that build the skills needed to achieve higher scores
‧ Review Test — consolidation of everything studied in the lesson
Other features:
‧ Q&A section provides background information on the test, plus a clear outline of the new test format so that there are no surprises on testing day
‧ Eight Keys to Higher Scores suggest ways to prepare for the exam,
and give overall strategies for taking the TOEIC Test
‧ Two Complete Practice Tests simulate actual tests in terms of format, content, and difficulty
‧ An Audio Script and Answer Key contains scripts for the listening material and answer keys for all the exercises and tests
‧ An Audio Program provides high-quality recording of all the listening materials
Longman Preparation Series for the New TOEIC Test 朗文新多益題庫書
Author: Lougheed, Lin Publisher:Longman Pearson Education
Introductory 初級課程 適合對象:
欲考取TOEIC 初級,測驗目標500分以上,可應付商場基本溝通禮儀。
Intermediate 中級課程適合對象:
欲考取TOEIC 中級,測驗目標500~700分,能持續可預期的面對面交談,滿足有限的社交需求
Advanced 高級課程適合對象:
欲考取TOEIC 高級 (藍色證書/金色證書) 測驗目標680分以上,可有效地運用語法,滿足大部份工作上的需求
Now in a new edition, the three-level Longman Preparation Series for the TOEIC(R) Test gives students the skills and strategies they need to increase their scores on the Listening and Reading sections of the TOEIC(R) test. Designed and paced to reflect the look and feel of the TOEIC(R) test, this series maximizes learners' familiarity and comfort with the exam. New Fifth Edition features include: * Free CD-ROM containing audio MP3 files, audio script and optional answer key to help students practice listening comprehension exercises on their own. * Notes to the teacher and syllabus with suggested teaching times promote consistency across multiple program sites.* Three complete Practice Tests include TOEIC(R) test-style answer sheets for diagnosis and assessment.* Over 1,000 practice items reflecting the format and content of the TOEIC test. * Objectives in each section help learners to focus and set goals.* Highlighted test-taking tips provide tips and grammatical explanations, plus links to specific exercises for immediate help and reinforcement.* New grammar tips and vocabulary tips.* Expanded and more varied exercises provide realistic test practice.* Complete listening CD-ROM with every book.
Now in a new edition, the three-level Longman Preparation Series for the TOEIC(R) Test gives students the skills and strategies they need to increase their scores on the Listening and Reading sections of the TOEIC(R) test. Designed and paced to reflect the look and feel of the TOEIC(R) test, this series maximizes learners' familiarity and comfort with the exam. New Fifth Edition features include: * Free CD-ROM containing audio MP3 files, audio script and optional answer key to help students practice listening comprehension exercises on their own. * Notes to the teacher and syllabus with suggested teaching times promote consistency across multiple program sites.* Three complete Practice Tests include TOEIC(R) test-style answer sheets for diagnosis and assessment.* Over 1,000 practice items reflecting the format and content of the TOEIC test. * Objectives in each section help learners to focus and set goals.* Highlighted test-taking tips provide tips and grammatical explanations, plus links to specific exercises for immediate help and reinforcement.* New grammar tips and vocabulary tips.* Expanded and more varied exercises provide realistic test practice.* Complete listening CD-ROM with every book.